"Each vocation is a hidden treasure, which the sisters are to respect, protect and cultivate by constant formation."
(Constitutions #91)
(Constitutions #91)
Formation in our Congregation aims to help every Sister become:
- a fully mature person
- a true Christian
- a Sister of the Congregation who is deeply imbued with the particular spiritual way of the Congregation- namely, to become like the Child Jesus and a daughter of Mary. This is a long process of "becoming like Christ," so that one can truly say: "I now no longer live, but Christ lives in me." (Gal 2:20)
Stages Of Formation
A vocation is not only a special gift given by God to the individual Sister, but also a gift to the entire Church and to the Congregation. Therefore, each vocation is welcomed to the Congregation with gratitude to God and with joy.
The phases of formation in the Congregation are as follows:
The phases of formation in the Congregation are as follows:
Prior to the entrance into the Postulancy, a young woman who is interested in membership in the Congregation may live in a house of the community for a period of time for the purpose of discerning her vocation.
During the Aspirancy, aspirants are formed and guided to discover and build a deeper understanding of God's call, deepen their spiritual life, aim at living a charitable life, and attain suitable qualities to live the religious life and apostolic activities of the Congregation in the near future. The time for Aspirancy will vary, but ordinarily will be approximately six months. |
"God also called those whom He had predestined." (Rm 8:30)
The period of Postulancy aims at preparing the Postulant to be admitted to the Novitiate. It also aims at helping the woman to make progress in becoming a fully mature person and a true Christian.
The Postulancy is a time of formation for the Postulant to attain the qualities suitable to live the spirit of evangelical childhood and the apostolic activities of the Congregation.
The time for Postulancy will vary, but ordinarily will be about six months.
"Lord, speak, your servant is listening." (1 Sm 3:9)
The Novitiate is a crucial period of formation in religious life. The purpose of the Novitiate is to assist the Novices to better understand their divine vocation, and to form their mind, character, heart, and will according to the spirit of the Congregation. At the same time, the Novice experiences the way of life of the Congregation.
On the day they begin their Novitiate, the Novices make a total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary according to St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort's teaching and receive the habit of the congregation and religious name. The Novitiate lasts for two years; the first year is spent at the house assigned as the Novitiate, while the second year is for continuing formation, including training, learning, and experiencing the apostolic works of the Congregation. |
"He Who began a good work in you, will carry it on until it is finished in the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil 1:6)
The juniorate is the time for continuing formation of Sisters having taken temporary vows, living as a professed Sister. The Sisters participate in community life and their apostolate. In this period, professed Sisters continue her education to obtain suitable degrees, both religious and secular, and engage in duties in the community.
The profession of vows is made for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, and then for life. |
Perpetual Profession & Ongoing Formation"... The one thing I do is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above." (Phil 3:13-14)
The perpetual profession is a sign of indissoluble union between Christ and the Church, His beloved Bride, and a perpetually decisive pledge between a Sister and the Congregation. The reason for ongoing formation is to continuously improve in all dimensions of religious life. Sisters pay special attention to her spiritual life, deepen her love of the Church, improve her understanding of Catholic doctrine and profession, and enter profoundly into the charism, spirit, and mission of the Congregation.
Ongoing formation begins after perpetual profession and continues until death. |